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   Plan It!  Tips for planning weddings, parties and special events

Free Subscription Area

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Each issue contains articles giving you "how to do" and "what not to do" tips for planning weddings, parties and special events.  Also, in each issue you will find our "Ask The Pros" section where general questions submitted by subscribers relative to wedding, meeting and special event planning will be answered.

Scroll down the page to enter the appropriate information in the different sections and click on the "submit" button when completed.

Note: Information you supply is confidential and is used only to determine general interests of readers. We do not sell or share specific user information or e-mail addresses!

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General Subscriber Information

The following general information will help us to publish articles on topics that are of interest to you and format the e-zine properly for most browser/modem types. It is required information for the subscription.

  1. What is your main area of interest?
    Wedding Planning
    Meeting Planning
    Special Event/Party Planning
  2. Which best describes your activity?
    I am planning a wedding for myself
    I plan weddings for others
    I plan meetings and special events for the company I work for
    I plan corporate meetings and special events for others
    I am planning a special event for myself
    I am a wedding/special event supplier
    I want to get into this type of business
    I am just curious and want to receive a subscription
  3. What were you looking for when visiting eventplanning.net?
    Wedding planning tips and advice
    Meeting planning tips and advice
    Special event/party planning tips and advice
    New products and ideas
  4. What type of browser do you use?  (So we can make our e-zine as user friendly as possible...)
    Internet Explorer
  5. What speed modem do you have? (So we know how fast photos, etc. will load.)
    Dial Up
    Cable or DSL 
Scroll down to the next section.

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Subscription Information

This is the Subscription Area.  The name and password you specify will be needed to access the online e-zine so keep it in a safe place. (We will also remind you again of your name and password when we announce the publication launch.)

  1. What is your first name: This is your user name
  2. Choose an easy to remember password
  3. Please repeat the name/password below:
  4. What state do you live in?
  5. What city do you live in?
  6. What is your e-mail address? We need this ONLY to inform you of the launch. It will not be given to anyone outside our organization.
  7. If you have a general interest question that you would like answered in a future issue, please submit it below.

    Sorry, we are unable to respond to questions on an individual basis and can address only questions that may be of interest to a number of readers.


If your information is complete, just click on the "Submit My Subscription" button below. We will keep you posted on the progress of the publication and notify you when the 1st issue is published. Thank you for subscribing to our new e-zine! 

Please just click once.
It may take 10 to 15 seconds to process...and will take you to a confirmation page when complete.

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All rights reserved.