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If you would like to submit a tip to be considered for addition to our tips areas simply fill out the following information and click on the "Send My Tip" button at the bottom of the page.  If we select your tip for addition we will acknowledge your tip by listing your name and/or business name and City and State along with the tip if you like.

If you would prefer that your name not be listed, do not click on the checkbox.

Your Name
    Check here if you would like your name listed

Business Name
    Check here if you would like your business name listed



E-mail Address

NOTE:  Your e-mail address will not be published but is necessary should we have any questions.

The tip you are submitting relates to what topic? 
Please type your tip below:

Once you are ready to submit your tip just click on the "Send My Tip" button below.  If your tip is selected for addition we will notify you via e-mail when it has been added.

We reserve the right to edit or modify the content of submitted tips to fit space limitations.

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Copyright�1998  Hospitality Networks, Inc.
All rights reserved